Thursday, December 23, 2010

Family Money Jar

This is how our money jar came about.  My hubby and I went to Hawaii a few years back and when we got home we promised the kids the next time we go we would take them.  That was a big mistake because I have a family of 7.  That is a lot of cash.  Well last year while I was at AAA I picked up a brochure for the Disney Cruise Line.  They are now sailing out of Los Angeles.  Hubby and I decided to give the kids a choice.  Disney cruise or Hawaii.  There was a catch though,  If they chose Disney and there is an opportunity for hubby and I to go to Hawaii before that we were no longer obligated to take them with.  They chose Disney Cruise!  So then we talked about how we where going to afford this trip since it was going to be more then Hawaii.  I didn't want it to be just mommy and daddy paying for it so we came up with this.

We fill the jars a couple of ways.  Every time the kids speak mean to each other they have to do an extra chore to earn a quarter to put in the jar. The day before pay day the kids search everywhere for change.  I let them dig through my mess of a purse, take the money out of the ashtray in the van and don't forget the couch (best way to get the couch clean by the way).  We do everything in cash so we always have change.  It's kinda like BofA's savings thingy.  Well its working!  I was curious and dumped the whole jar and counted it. In one month we saved $70.  I couldn't believe it!  I thought to myself I'm not budgeting very well, but that is another story I will post later.


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