Monday, February 28, 2011

Remembering the Little Things

My wonderful hubby has been writing, well I don't know what you would call it, for about 2 years. I would call it a book but he has repeatedly stated that he is no author.  He felt lead to write this little book to help couples of all ages. I am very proud of him and I know he has wisdom in this area.  He is so tired of seeing couples give up but most of all he wants to help men love their wives like Christ loved the church.  I am so proud of him that I decided to post some bits of his book on my blog.  I may post the whole thing in the future but for right now until his book is edited I will just give you tidbits.  I hope you enjoy it.  Please leave a comment if this helped you in whatever way.

Remembering the Little Things
Where It All Begins…..
            “For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, in good times and in bad, forsaking all others…”  These words can be heard an average of 2.4 million times a year, that’s and an average of 6,666 times a day just in the United States alone.  Not to mention the millions of girls each day who rehearse these lines in the privacy of their bedroom fantasizing of their dream groom waiting for the day that they can have their “storybook wedding”.  With this phrase repeated so many times daily in the United States, why are we then faced with a 43% divorce rate in America?  Because we forget the little things in our marriages.
            Husbands may say something like, “I know her favorite color, her favorite actor, her favorite soda, her favorite song and her best friend”.  A wife may check off a list and say, “I know his favorite football team, his favorite meal, his favorite movie and his favorite breed of dog”.  Unfortunately both the husband and the wife may finish each of these sentences with the phrase “but my husband/wife does not know me at all”.  In our marriages we can easily get wrapped up in ourselves and our everyday activities that we become selfish and sometimes unknowingly block out the only one to whom we say we love.
            God has designed marriage to be more than an “institution”, (a structure and mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of a set of individuals), and much more than a  social union or legal contract between individuals.  God designed a man and a woman to be joined to create a bond and a fellowship that nothing can come between, “Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder” Mathew 19:6.  Just what does come between a husband and a wife that may cause a division between them? It is the forgetting of the “little things” in our marriage that can cause division and strife that is unwanted and unnecessary.  Just what are “Little Things”?.........

Look for the answer to that question next week!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Money Jar Update

Well its been 4 months since we started the money jar.  I thought we would give you an update.  It is going great.  Every time I get change and one of my darlings is with me you can bet I will hear something like "great mom, more money for the jar".  The children are very excited.  Most of the time the older children let the baby put the money in the jar.  She loves it!  Every time we see a commercial of a Disney cruise on the sin box, aka television, they jump up and start looking for money.  We have now included the recycling money to our efforts.  I am also trying to scrape up the nerve to look through trash cans while filling up at the gas stations to look for cans and bottles.  I can't believe I just admitted that!  Ever so often I decide I need to know how much is in the jar.  As of last week we have over $150.  It's not much but its a great start.  If you have any other interesting ways to add to the jar let me know.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I Love this Coloring Book Tote

I found a really neat tutorial over at From an Igloo.  I have made a few for gifts and I really like them.  I have changed some things.  My tote holds 24 crayons.  I do make them personalized but I am wanting to make a few to sell on Etsy. 

This was the first one I made.  I did it exactly like the tutorial.

I love the lady bug button.  It just finishes the whole thing.

Monday, February 21, 2011

What a Great Hubby I Have

For months now I have been dreaming of a clean garage.  You know, one where you can get to you tools without breaking your arm in the process and parking the car without hitting a table as a way of knowing when I was in far enough.  I wasn't able to get to my children's craft stuff or my new cabinet for my stockpile without it taking up large amounts of my time.

 Well what a gift I got for Presidents Day.  I didn't even know people gave gifts on this day, lol.  My wonderful hubby got up early and clean the whole garage for me.  He said it was because he couldn't get to his tools without hopping over my mom's electric cart, slipping in between all the children's bikes and leaning a knee on the bags of baby clothes that needed to be passed down.  I say he did it for me though.  It is far from my dream garage but it is a start.  He hung the ladders on the wall, put a hook up for the scooters and as we speak he is finishing up something that requires a drill as I can hear him drilling something into the wall.  I can't wait to see his innovative solution for something else.  I wish I had taken a before picture but I had to rush out the door this morning to take my oldest to the dentist.  I have a ton of ideas for some more ways to organize but as for now I am extremely happy!

BTW I was even able to get the girls bunk bed in there with my van and still have room.  If you know anyone who would like to buy the bunk beds let me know.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My great day at Riteaid

Well I have to say it took some work but it really paid off.  I am really happy about all the great stuff that cost me NOTHING.  I have to say though that I am really irritated that we have some couponers in my area that clear the shelves.  I had to go to 2 Riteaids today but like I said it paid off. 

I don't have a total and the coupon match ups because I am extremely tired (I wonder why lol!) but I will list everything I got.

1 Quilted Northern TP 12 rolls
3 Huggies Diapers
4 Huggies Pullups
2 Johnson & Johnson baby lotion
2 bags of Halls
4 Twix
4 boxes of Post cereal
2 packs of Stayfree

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I Got a Serger!!!

A very good friend called me today to tell me about a serger she just saw at a garage sale.  She said that the lady was selling it for $50, that it was brand new and still in the box.  I was home with one of my sick little one.  I quickly called my wonderful hubby who was just down the street from the sale.  I asked him to run over and take a look.  I thought he forgot because when he called later to check up on me and the little one he didn't mention it.  About an hour later my awesome hubby came through the door carrying my new toy.  I got a Baby Lock Serger!!! It is a older model but it is new.  I have no idea how to use it but I am excited to learn.  I love the way a serger gives such a professional finished look.