Monday, February 21, 2011

What a Great Hubby I Have

For months now I have been dreaming of a clean garage.  You know, one where you can get to you tools without breaking your arm in the process and parking the car without hitting a table as a way of knowing when I was in far enough.  I wasn't able to get to my children's craft stuff or my new cabinet for my stockpile without it taking up large amounts of my time.

 Well what a gift I got for Presidents Day.  I didn't even know people gave gifts on this day, lol.  My wonderful hubby got up early and clean the whole garage for me.  He said it was because he couldn't get to his tools without hopping over my mom's electric cart, slipping in between all the children's bikes and leaning a knee on the bags of baby clothes that needed to be passed down.  I say he did it for me though.  It is far from my dream garage but it is a start.  He hung the ladders on the wall, put a hook up for the scooters and as we speak he is finishing up something that requires a drill as I can hear him drilling something into the wall.  I can't wait to see his innovative solution for something else.  I wish I had taken a before picture but I had to rush out the door this morning to take my oldest to the dentist.  I have a ton of ideas for some more ways to organize but as for now I am extremely happy!

BTW I was even able to get the girls bunk bed in there with my van and still have room.  If you know anyone who would like to buy the bunk beds let me know.



Looks great ! I cleaned out our garage this weekend too. It's such a great feeling tobe able to park in there and find what I need WHEN I need it :-)


Yes it is. I can finally get to all my stockpile stuff. I will have to take a picture of my stockpile cabinet when I get a chance. There isn't a lot in it right now but I am working on it.

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